What You Need To Know About Your Plumbing System

When it comes to plumbing systems, it’s easy to overlook the small things. However, if you detect a leak in your plumbing, you should act quickly. Don’t ignore the problem until it becomes a costly plumbing emergency that requires extensive work. Remember that water damage affects more than just your home’s foundation. It can also cause mold growth, another issue you’ll have to deal with.

This blog will help you understand the core causes of plumbing leaks, the signs of a leak, and the significance of hiring an expert to detect the leak.

Common Causes of Plumbing Leaks

High Water Pressure

High Water Pressure

Pipes can only bear a certain amount of water pressure before they burst. The more forcefully your water strikes the pipes, the more damage they face. Because of the pressure, pipes may burst occasionally. When you turn an appliance off, you notice a periodic leak more frequently.

Damaged Seal

Damaged Seal | Plumbing System

Throughout the installation process, your plumber will install waterproof seals anywhere your pipes connect to a fixture, such as a sink. These seals can deteriorate with time, resulting in leaks at their source. Observing pools of water surrounding an appliance could indicate that one of your seals is damaged.

Untreated Drain Clogs

Untreated Drain Clogs | Plumbing System

Clogs may appear to be a minor irritation around the house, but they, like leaks, may indicate an underlying problem. These obstructions can sometimes contain caustic elements and hazardous substances that can eat away at your pipe and create leaks.

Extreme Temperature Changes

Extreme Temperature Changes

Pipes made of metal expand and shrink during intense cold and heat periods. This can wreak havoc on your pipes if you reside in an area where brutally cold days alternate with excessively hot days. Rapid and extreme temperature changes can cause your pipes to rapidly expand or contract, resulting in cracks, leaks, or even ruptures.

Signs of a Plumbing Leak

When you detect the following symptoms, contact a professional immediately:

Low Water Pressure

A decline in water pressure may signal a leak in your plumbing. First, determine whether the low water pressure is caused by a single fixture or by all of them. If the problem is present in all fixtures, there could be a leak.

Water Stains

You may not always be aware of a plumbing leak. Keep an eye out for concealed leaks, such as watermarks on the ceiling or walls, which could signal a leak in the pipes.

Strange Sounds

Don’t overlook pipe noises because they can signify a leak in your plumbing. Contact a certified plumber immediately once to schedule an inspection.

Other Signs Of A Water Leak In Your House

Keep an eye out for the following signs:

  • Pooling water inside or outside your home
  • Damp areas on the walls and ceilings
  • Unusual smells, particularly in the drains
  • Expensive water bills
  • Corroded water supply
  • The water meter is running, but no one is using it.
  • Mold odor

Should I Contact a Plumber for My Leaky Pipes?

Yes, if you believe you have a plumbing leak. Examine the warning indicators listed above and get immediate assistance from a professional. A qualified plumber in Vancouver has the necessary tools to pinpoint the exact site of the leak. They can also advise you on the best plumbing options for repairing leaks and preventing them in the future.

If you don’t put off calling a professional, you can prevent a more expensive repair. Our Vancouver plumbers at Miller Plumbing & Drainage Ltd. are experienced in dealing with plumbing leaks. Please contact us at any time, and we will gladly assist you.